Distrito Telefónica. Innovation & Talent Hub

Artificial Intelligence: Applicability of GANs and Autoencoders in Cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Artificial Intelligence

The world we know is constantly changing. The digital revolution, the transformation of companies and society itself is changing the way we live and interact. Threats in the physical world tend to be digitized, and it is these that are leading to an increase in fraud. The application of artificial intelligence and its evolution is already ingrained in the day-to-day life of society and in the future of companies.

The use of AI for common day-to-day tasks is a reality, for example, access to a shopping platform that learns what kind of tastes its customers have and offers related products. Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning are terms that are here and constantly evolving. Making people's lives easier can be one of their goals, even if they can be misused. One of the clearest examples is the proliferation of Fake News supported by AI-generated videos that appear what they are not. The modification of images or videos by an AI to introduce or eliminate certain aspects. The generation of voices by an AI that perfectly match those of other people. These examples are undoubtedly cases related to cybersecurity and the awareness that must be established in the new society, the society of digital transformation. 

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