Distrito Telefónica. Innovation & Talent Hub

Aura, our Artificial Intelligence


The new Testers platform has already launched the user study to test the new conversational capabilities of Aura, Telefónica's artificial intelligence device. After the incorporation of the LLMs (Open AI) for different scenarios of the Movistar ecosystem, we are looking for users who can experience Aura in different sessions to collect feedback and thus follow the continuous improvement of services and capabilities.

We are looking for participants willing to participate in an activity:


  • Face-to-face, in the new Experience Design Lab in Distrito Telefónica (Madrid).
  • 60 minutes long.
  • It will take place during the month of October.


The study has been successfully completed!

Explore our next Tester

Telefónica Wallet Features

In the study we investigated users' experiences with crypto and the functionalities of our Telefónica Wallet.

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Currency image