Distrito Telefónica. Innovation & Talent Hub

Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and Movistar Immersive Experience

We are looking for regular users of VR goggles with models such as the Meta Quest 2 or later. The test will consist of two parts:  

1. Explore and navigate through Movistar Immersive Experience (VR) and complete a User Diary, where we will specify activities that you will have to perform.  

2.Then we will conduct a 90 minute interview in person or remotely.  

*Interviews will be recorded for easy analysis.  

For participating, you will receive one double invitation to the next recording of the Movistar Plus + program, Ilustres Ignorantes in Madrid in November.  

Join us and help us with your opinion and experience!

Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and Movistar Immersive Experience

Let's build a Home for all

Explore our next Tester

TU Latch Profesional

With TU Latch Profesional we want to make developers' work easier by building additional layers of security into their digital services and applications.
