Distrito Telefónica. Innovation & Talent Hub

CUSTODES Project: development of cybersecurity tools.

Cybersecurity and Privacy

Cybersecurity certification of information and communication technologies plays a central role in increasing security and confidence in new technological products and services. In CUSTODES project, a system for the evaluation of technology products and services will be developed to facilitate an agile, reliable, effective and portable process, facilitating the tasks of cybersecurity evaluation.

In addition to Telefónica, fifteen other organizations from eleven European countries are participating in the project, led by RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). This project is funded by the Horizon Europe (grant agreement 101120684).

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SPATIAL: towards trusworthy AI for cibersecutiy projects

The SPATIAL projects seeks for facilitating the access, creation and management of private, transparent and explainable AI models for cibersecurity projects.

It represents the concept of cybersecurity, information encryption and secure access to the Internet.